NEW Believe in bigfoot squatching through the snow sweatshirt

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Christopher Noël: Though many genuine photos and video clips now exist, he best remains the 1967 Patterson film. By all rights, the Sasquatch issue should have been put to bed decades ago just based on this footage alone. The problem is a cognitive one: most viewers' only experience of seeing an upright-walking primate is of seeing human beings; therefore, at the sight of the figure in the Patterson film, they reflexively think, “That must be a human wearing a suit.” Most people are content to leave the matter there rather than looking into the case more deeply and acutely. Any open-minded assessment of the footage will accomplish two things: 1. it will quickly rule out the possibility of a suit (such a realistic suit could not be fabricated even today, much less in 1967), and 2. it will allow for striking and decisive differences to emerge between the anatomy and locomotion of the figure and those of our own species. For what I consider to be the most convincing video analyzes, go here.

Christopher Noël: All large mammals tend to “go off to die,” and then the scavengers, insects, and microbes do the rest in short order. Wildlife biologists who study bears, for example, can spend their whole careers in the field and never come across a bear carcass or even a skeleton. And although thousands of Sasquatch exist in North America, there are probably at least one hundred bears for every Sasquatch. Furthermore, Sasquatch simply could not have been so overwhelmingly successful at what they do, avoiding discovery century after century, unless they were highly sensitive to our presence and our curiosity. Therefore, it is very likely that they “take care” of their dead, either through burial or through dispersal and or consumption of the bodies.

See more at:  Believe in bigfoot squatching through the snow sweatshirt

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